As we have already given those of Cato, it will be as well
to set forth the opinions entertained by the Greek writers on
this subject, only in relation, however, to those points upon
which he has omitted to touch. They are of opinion that
cabbage, not thoroughly boiled, carries off the bile, and has
the effect of loosening the bowels; while, on the other hand,
if it is boiled twice over, it will act as an astringent. They
say, too, that as there is a natural[1] enmity between it and the
vine, it combats the effects of wine; that, if eaten before drinking, it is sure to prevent[2] drunkenness, being equally a dispellent of crapulence[3] if taken after drinking: that cabbage
is a food very beneficial to the eyesight, and that the juice of
it raw is even more so, if the corners of the eyes are only
touched with a mixture of it with Attic honey. Cabbage, too,
The school of Erasistratus proclaims that there is nothing more beneficial to the stomach and the sinews than cabbage; for which reason, he says, it ought to be given to the paralytic and nervous, as well as to persons affected with spitting of blood. Hippocrates prescribes it, twice boiled, and eaten with salt, for dysentery and cœliac affections, as also for tenesmus and diseases of the kidneys; he is of opinion, too, that, as an aliment, it increases the quantity of the milk in women who are nursing, and that it promotes the menstrual discharge.[5] The stalk, too, eaten raw, is efficacious in expelling the dead fœtus. Apollodorus prescribes the seed or else the juice of the cabbage to be taken in cases of poisoning by fungi; and Philistion recommends the juice for persons affected with opisthotony, in goats'-milk, with salt and honey.
I find, too, that persons have been cured of the gout by eating cabbage and drinking a decoction of that plant. This decoction has been given, also, to persons afflicted with the cardiac disease and epilepsy, with the addition of salt; and it has been ad- ministered in white wine, for affections of the spleen, for a period of forty days.
According to Philistion, the juice of the raw root should be
given as a gargle to persons afflicted with icterus[6] or phrenitis,
and for hiccup he prescribes a mixture of it, in vinegar, with
coriander, anise, honey, and pepper. Used as a liniment, cabbage, he says, is beneficial for inflations of the stomach; and
the very water, even, in which it has been boiled, mixed with
barley-meal, is a remedy for the stings of serpents[7] and foul
ulcers of long standing; a result which is equally effected by
a mixture of cabbage-juice with vinegar or fenugreek. It is
in this manner, too, that some persons employ it topically, for
affections of the joints and for gout. Applied topically, cabbage is a cure for epinyetis, and all kinds of spreading eruptions
on the body, as also for sudden[8] attacks of dimness; indeed, if
Epicharmus assures us that, applied topically, cabbage is extremely beneficial for diseases of the testes and genitals, and even better still when employed with bruised beans; he says, too, that it is a cure for convulsions; that, in combination with rue, it is good for the burning heats of fever and maladies of the stomach; and that, with rue-seed, it brings away the after-birth. It is of use, also, for the bite of the shrew-mouse. Dried cabbage-leaves, reduced to a powder, are a cathartic both by vomit and by stool.
7. supposed to be so.